Dual Sensor Integration
The accurate boresigthing routines of PARGE® allow automatic coregistration of dual sensor systems for full spectrum analysis, such as NEO’s Hyspex/Mjolnir VS620 drone based system.
Hyspex Dual Sensor
Integration of dual sensor system is critical for drone based operation if the full spectrum is to be matched. Current systems as the Hyspex VS-620 consist of two independent sensors. Using the PARGE Boresighting method it is possible to align the two independent system to sub-pixel level such that a continuous spectrum can be displayed. The process is automated in a streamlined workflow; i.e. a series of combined images of VNIR and SWIR images can be processed in one step to a full spectrum seamless mosaic.
Use Cases
About Us
ReSe Applications LLC provides Remote Sensing Software Applications for processing of multispectral and hyperspectral images. The provided software applications PARGE®, DROACOR®, ATCOR® and MODO are designed to process remote sensing data derived from devices like Hymap, APEX, AVIRIS, NEO’s Hyspex, Specim’s AISA, Headwall Photonics Hyperspec, Resonon Pika, Itres’ CASI, and more. It builds upon IDL technology to extend remote sensing software packages like ENVI.