We are happy to release our newest version of PARGE direct geocoding and orthorectification of airborne optical scanner data.
What is new?
High resolution data acquisitions in combination with laser scanning based DSM inputs raise the need for new hyperspectral processing methods.
Version 4.0 supports the processing of hyperspectral data in a point-cloud environment such that each spectrum is clearly located in 3D space.
The new version of PARGE is ready for installation through our ReSe installer software. The following major additions are part of this release:
- new coordinate conversion system based on EPSG standards (PROJ module),
- new native support for Specim AISA AFX and Fenix sensors,
- improved support for NEO Mjolnir VS620 systems,
- prepared for use with the HAIP Blackbird instrument,
- 3D-outputs of IGM with xyz coordinates,
- direct export of LAS point cloud files from raw geometry,
- improved directory-based batch processing,
End users with an active maintenance contract by January 1st, 2024 are entitled to a free upgrade to this version. Please contact us to receive update instructions. A new license file will be issued only upon request.
In case you do not have an active PARGE maintenance contract, you may apply for a free evaluation license. Just let us know in case you want to test the updated version.
Please contact us if you need any further information about this release or if you require any information about your licensing status. If you would like to bring your maintenance contract up to date, please ask for a quote.
We would be pleased to serve you in your future remote sensing activities – thank you for your attention and for your confidence in our software products.